The SEC’s Division of Examinations recently released general guidance, in the form of a Risk Alert, for how the registered investment adviser examination program operates, how examination targets are selected, and how the scope of examinations is determined. With over 15,000 investment advisers registered with the SEC, the SEC has…
RIA Compliance Blog
SEC Fines Adviser Under New Marketing Rule
On August 21, 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued an order imposing civil monetary penalties against Titan Global Capital Management USA LLC (“Titan”) for violations of the new investment adviser Marketing Rule, Rule 206(4)-1. The new rule had a mandatory compliance date of November 4, 2022, but…
SEC Proposes Amendments to the “Internet Adviser” Basis for SEC Registration
Last week the Securities and Exchange Commission issued Proposed Amendments to the “internet adviser” basis for SEC registration found in Rule 203 A-2 (e). Currently, the rule provides that an adviser who provides investment advice nearly exclusively via an interactive website is eligible to register with the SEC, as long…
SEC Enforcement Case Highlights Pitfalls Of Private Fund Advisory Fees
On June 20, 2023, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued an order against Insight Venture Management LLC (“Insight”). The SEC and Insight settled the matter to resolve allegations that the adviser charged excessive management fees caused by the adviser’s inaccurate application of its “permanent impairment” policy and that…
DOL Drops Appeal of Court Ruling Partially Vacating its PTE 2020-02 Guidance
The DOL recently dismissed its appeal of an earlier ruling from the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida (the Court) invalidating part of the DOL’s guidance regarding application of its fiduciary duty to rollover recommendations. The guidance was in the form of an FAQ issued in connection…
DOL PTE 2020-02 Annual Retrospective Review Deadline Approaching
PTE 2020-02 is a prohibited transaction exemption under ERISA. It requires Financial Institutions, including RIAs, to meet several enumerated requirements, including adhering to the “Impartial Conduct Standards,” in order to rely upon the exemption with respect to certain transactions, including rollover recommendations. It also requires Financial Institutions to adopt policies…
SEC Announces What to Expect for Newly Registered Investment Advisers
The SEC’s Division of Examinations recently released their Observations from Examinations of Newly-Registered Advisers. Issued as a Risk Alert, the release provides guidance for what investment advisers new to SEC registration should expect, but also warns were previously examined advisers failed to meet the SEC’s expectations. The SEC typically initiates…
What to Expect: SEC Announces Examination Priorities for 2023
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently released the 2023 Examination Priorities from the Division of Examinations, formerly known as the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations. This annual release provides insight into the areas that the SEC plans to highlight when examining investment advisers during the coming year. Over…
SEC Settles Charges Against RIA for Failure to Review Wrap Fee Programs
On August 26, 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued an order settling charges against Kovak Advisors, Inc. (“Kovak”), for compliance failures related to its wrap fee program. The case highlights how important it is for an investment adviser to adopt and follow policies and procedures relating to…
SEC Announces Enforcement Action Against Investment Adviser for Custody Violations
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced a settled enforcement action against a registered investment adviser for violating the Custody Rule and for compliance violations associated with custody. The enforcement action, coupled with the SEC’s announcement, shows the significance that the SEC places on the safeguarding of client assets. An investment…