
RIA Compliance Blog


SEC Issues Guidance Update on Cybersecurity

Last month, the SEC division of Investment Management released Investment Management Guidance in which it discusses a number of measures that investment advisers may wish to consider when addressing cybersecurity risks. This guidance is just the last in a long list of guidance and alerts issued by the SEC and…


Questions Surround Impact Of Labor Department Fiducuary Rule for Financial Advisers

In the wake of the re-proposal by the U.S. Department of Labor of its so-called “Fiduciary Rule,” there are a number of questions regarding how the rule if adopted, will impact those providing financial advice to employee benefit plans and other retirement plans including IRAs and ERISA plans in general.…


LPL Financial Ordered by FINRA to Pay $11.7 Million

Earlier this month, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) announced that it had fined LPL Financial (“LPL”) $10 million for lack of supervision in several areas of its operations, including sales of ETFs, variable annuities, REITs, and other complex products. In addition, FINRA found LPL failed to monitor trades and…


Delaware Adopts Private Fund Adviser Exemption

Delaware has adopted a rule exempting “private fund advisers” from the state’s unlawful conduct provision, including the provision requiring registration as an investment adviser. Under the new rule, a private fund adviser is exempt from Delaware Securities Act unlawful conduct provisions if: (1) neither the private fund adviser nor any…


SEC Vows To Be Aggressive in 2015

Last month at the Annual Conference of the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), the Commission revealed its enforcement statistics for 2014, including a record number of enforcement actions (755) and monetary relief obtained ($4.1 Million). The Commission also announced its current initiatives including a continued emphasis in the use of…


SEC Charges Three Investment Adviser Firms with Improper Registration in Wyoming

On February 4, 2015, the SEC issued cease and desist orders against three investment advisers that fraudulently maintained registration with the SEC by listing Wyoming as their principal place of business on their Forms ADV. These three incidences highlight Wyoming’s unusual landscape for investment advisers. In order to explain the…


New “Invest Tennessee Exemption” Takes Effect

Tennessee’s new “Invest Tennessee Exemption” to the state’s securities registration requirements went into effect on January 1, 2015. Like other securities exemption laws recently adopted by other states, Tennessee’s exemption allows for the intrastate offerings of certain securities that do not exceed $1 million. The law sets out the rules…


NASAA Issues Fact & Fiction Advisory on Third-Party Custodians of Self-Directed IRAs

In an effort to inform investors about common fraudulent activities involving individual retirement accounts (“IRAs”), the North American Securities Administrators Association (“NASAA”) has issued an Advisory on third-party custodians of self-directed IRAs and other qualified plans. The advisory was issued to describe the roles and responsibilities a third-party custodian of…


SEC Plans to Increase Focus on Asset Managers in 2015

In a speech given at The New York Times Dealbook Opportunities for Tomorrow Conference in New York at the end of 2014, SEC Chair Mary Jo White detailed an extensive plan to increase the agency’s scrutiny of asset managers. Her speech highlighted many of the important issues currently facing the…

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