
RIA Compliance Blog


SEC Adds RIAs to Definition of “Accredited Investor,” Adopts Other Changes

In a closely-watched move, the SEC voted 3-2 this past Wednesday to expand the definition of an “accredited investor” to include both state-registered and SEC-registered investment advisers with $5 million or more in assets. Accredited investors are those who are permitted to purchase unregistered securities such as those typically sold…


US Supreme Court Disgorgement Ruling Leaves Open Questions

Earlier this summer, the US Supreme Court handed down a highly anticipated decision clarifying the powers of the Securities and Exchanges Commission in civil enforcement proceedings. The court ruled by a margin of 8 to 1 that the SEC can obtain disgorgement from a defendant because disgorgement is a form…


SEC Signals Ransomware Risk to Investment Advisers is High

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) recently published its sixth risk alert on cybersecurity since 2014. In this alert, the SEC focused on how its regulated firms protect themselves against ransomware risk. I previously wrote about the SEC’s last risk alert on ransomware here. Ransomware is malware that stops a…


DOL Reinstates Investment Adviser Fiduciary Definition and Proposes New Rules

In late June, the U.S. Department of Labor reinstated the previous definition of “fiduciary investment advice” that was contained in its prohibited transactions rules prior to 2017. That definition was amended by the “Fiduciary Rule” that went into effect in 2017, but the new rule was ultimately struck down by…


SEC Issues Risk Alert to Private Fund Advisers, Part 2

SEC Issues Risk Alert to Private Fund Advisers, Part 2 This supplements our previous post relating to a Risk Alert issued by the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations on June 23. The Risk Alert was directed at investment advisers to private investment funds. While the prior post discussed…


Investment Advisers to Private Funds Urged to Review SEC Risk Alert

Earlier this week, the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) issued a risk alert in which it discussed ongoing deficiencies identified during compliance examinations of investment advisers that advise private funds. This risk alert follows on the heels of other SEC activity relating to private fund advisers, including…


Recent Merrill Lynch Scenario Underscores Need to Avoid Unnecessary Mutual Fund Fees

Last week, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) issued a Letter of Acceptance Waiver and Consent (AWC) censuring Merrill Lynch and ordering $7.2 million in restitution to investor clients. Merrill had already reimbursed the clients as a result of an internal review and had self-reported the underlying violations to FINRA,…


Investment Adviser Touting COVID-19 Investments Sued By SEC

On June 3, 2020, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed suit against a company claiming to be an internet-only investment adviser, based on the firm’s failure to respond to a request for documents and information, in violation of the Investment Advisers Act and rules. The company, E*Hedge Securities, Inc.,…


SEC Provides Form CRS Guidance and Issues RIA Examination Risk Alert

As we mentioned in an earlier post, in April of this year the SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) issued separate risk alerts on the subjects of Form CRS and Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI). The risk alerts were designed to provide investment advisers and broker-dealers information regarding…


SBA Extends Safe Harbor for Return of PPP Loans and Signals Further Guidance

Through updates to the Frequently Asked Questions maintained on its website, the Small Business Administration announced that it has extended the safe harbor date previously announced in Question 31 from May 7, 2020 to May 14, 2020, and that it intends to issue updated guidance relating to the safe harbor…

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