Articles Posted in Risk Alert


SEC Releases Observations from Examinations Relating to Advisory Fees

The Division of Examinations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently released a Risk Alert relating to the Advisory Fee Initiative titled “Division of Examinations Observations: Investment Advisers’ Fee Calculations.” Under this Initiative, the SEC conducted approximately 130 examinations of SEC-registered investment advisers focusing on how advisory fees are…


SEC Identifies Common Compliance Issues with Reg S-P Privacy Notices and Safeguarding Policies

The SEC’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations recently conducted examinations of privacy notices and safeguarding policies of SEC-registered investment advisers and broker-dealers adopted pursuant to Regulation S-P. As a result of these examinations, the SEC issued a Risk Alert identifying common deficiencies that are important to keep in mind…


Advisers Encouraged to Assess Use of New Electronic Messaging Technologies as part of Annual Compliance Review Process

With annual compliance reviews in full swing this time of year, we write today to remind advisory firms to be sure to assess the sufficiency of their policies and procedures in the ever-developing area of electronic messaging.  Our note comes on the heels of a recent Risk Alert on this…


SEC Publishes Risk Alert Detailing the Most Common Advisory Fee and Expense Compliance Deficiencies

On April 12, 2018, the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations published a Risk Alert “providing a list of compliance issues relating to fees and expenses charged by SEC-registered investment advisers… that were the most frequently identified in deficiency letters sent to advisers.” According to OCIE,…


Investment Advisers Cautioned not to Use Client Usernames and Passwords to Access Accounts

Investment advisers’ use of clients’ usernames and passwords to access their clients’ accounts to observe the accounts’ performance has come under scrutiny in recent years.  In February 2017, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (“OCIE”) disclosed in a Risk Alert that investment advisers’ use of client usernames and…


SEC Issues Investment Adviser Risk Alert on Social Media

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently issued a National Examination Risk Alert to investment advisers discussing the use of social media. Social media is becoming more widely used as a means to communicate with investors, and advisers need to ensure they are meeting their compliance requirements. The purpose of…


FINRA And SEC To Firms: Improve Branch Office Supervision

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently jointly issued a Risk Alert and a Regulatory Notice on broker-dealer branch office inspections designed to help securities industry firms better supervise their branch offices, as well as to underscore the importance of that supervision. “An…

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